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Georgian Travel Memories from Our Team

During lockdown we’ve all realized how travel is important for personal spirit. As our team has vast memories from their past adventures we’ve decided to share small travel episodes from our employee’s private lives.

“The best vacations are simple. Just travel with backpack and camping gear to untouched mountains and villages, meet locals and leave the city noise far behind” - Nino Sirbiladze

For me, the best vacations are to take my backpack and camping gear and just travel to the mountains, to the villages and meet with local people to explore more and leave the city traffic behind.

To fulfill my joy, I decided to travel to the place where time stops – to Tusheti national park. Tusheti is highly exotic, due to it’s so remoteness, there are no paved roads, groceries, or bars. Tusheti is a pure wilderness where locals live in towers made of stones and enliven the medieval traditions.

My friends and I decided to trek for 7 days in Tusheti and over the Atsunta pass 3490 m. (The pass between Khevsureti province and Tusheti). We started trekking from Mutso village, Khevsureti to Tusheti national park. Due to the weather condition we crossed the Atsunta pass only on 3rd day. I couldn’t have thought how tiring the bad start could be, as our first two days were full of thunderstorms and rain. We were trekking without any visual, just following the narrow path leading to the endless mist. However, we were not losing neither hope nor motivation.

When we camped near the pass, finally all the clouds spread out and opened the landscapes. This view was truly unforgettable. In the morning we started new adventure to explore the Tusheti national park – mountains, fresh air, and plenty of time to think. First we met the abandoned village with old towers and empty houses. As we trekked more the landscape was gradually changing too. We met the locals and experienced true mountain hospitality.

Each day we’ve gradually merged with Tushetian culture. We tasted local dishes and enjoyed the local herb “Kondari” (thyme) tea, sheep cheese, mountain honey. We were even lucky and had the chance to taste fresh brewed beer and all these filled with interesting stories from the locals about their everyday life and unique traditions.

“This was one of the best adventure experience in my life and everyone should travel to this unique place and explore it”

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